You will check in at the front desk. New riders please arrive 30 minutes early to your first class. If you have not completed the “New Ryder Form” emailed to you upon booking you will be asked to complete this before getting on a bike. Early arrival will give you time to learn your way around the studio and get your bike set up safely before class starts. Please see the “TERMS & POLICIES” page for more.


    Shoes are provided. Cycling shoes clip into the bike pedals for safety. Our bikes have SPD clips. You tell us your shoe size on the “New Ryder Form” that will be emailed to you after booking your first class and they will be waiting for you in the same cubby number as your bike number. Feel free to bring your own shoes if you have them!


    This is where you will hangout before getting on your bike. There you will find benches, cubbies, a vanity, and a water fountain. Forgot your water? No worries, we sell water for $1. On the wall you will find our SPIN-TIONARY (spin dictionary) with cycling lingo you can read up on before entering the studio! You can put your dirty towels and shoes through the opening in the wall and into the hamper after class.


    Bikes are numbered 1-19. You will reserve your bike online through MindBody. If you book your spot through the MindBody website you will have the option to book a specific bike, but the MindBody app does not offer this additional feature. If you use the app you will can pick an unclaimed bike when you arrive to the studio. Your JoyLeader will help you set your bike properly. 2 lb weights are placed on the back of your bike to be used during class when instructed. 3lb and 4 lb weights are also available in crates at the front of the studio.


    Towels will be provided and placed on your bike in the studio. Cold, essential oil infused washcloths will be available after class for anyone interested. Hair ties, bobby pins, deodorant, and feminine products will be available on the vanity or in the bathroom.